Oacis Tip of the Week
Passport, the web-based version of Oacis, is how users not on the ClinLAN95 network access patient results from the Oacis Data Repository or ODR. With the current version of Oacis, clinicians may now use Internet Explorer (IE) to access the Passport website <http://oacis.musc.edu:12030/oacis2> When using IE 4.01 or later, there is an option on the Print window call As Laid Out on Screen which may be selected to print all frames on one page as they appear on screen. Netscape continues to experience problems with printing the frames that make up the Passport screen. For example, the Patient Demographic screen in Passport is made up of eight mini-frames of information. When printing this information from Netscape, eight pages with one frame on each page, print out instead of one. Watch The Catalyst weekly for the “Tip of the Week” regarding both ClinLAN95
and Oacis. For more information on ClinLAN95, visit its website at