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Our board of trustees recently passed a resolution for implementation
of the Medical University Hospital Authority. The board's implementation
resolution included the approval of the Authority's bylaws and organizational
structure, a shared services agreement with the University, and the ambulatory
care agreement with UMA. The implementation resolution also involved approval
of the Authority's budget and various policies, including procurement,
grievance and expenditure of public funds policies.
The new fiscal year will be challenging. The focus of our Authority
work teams will shift toward fine tuning our shared services agreement
and developing the financial management structure needed within the Medical
Center. Our goal will be to continue high quality care while achieving
a financial margin.
We have completed a tough year. I want to thank everyone for your hard
work. We have done more with less while continuing high quality care.
Some areas of MUSC have announced reductions in force. Evidently, a
few employees thought the reductions were a result of the implementation
of the Medical University Hospital Authority. There will be no reductions
within the Medical Center resulting from the Authority implementation.
Thank you very much for a job well done.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations and
Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
Town Hall Meeting with President Greenberg for Medical Center employees
A town hall meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, July 5, at 3:30 p.m.
in the Institute of Psychiatry Auditorium. Ray Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D.,
will share an overview of his aspirations for MUSC and address questions.
Finance Update
Lisa Montgomery, administrator for Financial Services, reported that the
Medical Center's net income through May was $500,000 before Charleston
Memorial Hospital losses. Cash analysis through May was a negative $4.1
million. This figure should be positive by June. She commended the staff
for their hard work in mitigating a $40 million ($50 million with disproportionate
share) loss sustained during fiscal year 1998-1999. She also announced
the board's approval of a resolution allowing the Authority to borrow short-term
funds to assist with the working capital needs during the transition.
Authority Human Resources Update
Susan Carullo, manager of Employment, Compensation and Employee Relations,
reviewed human resources changes that will take place with the Authority
implementation on July 1. Training is scheduled for business managers.
Changes include a simplified posting process, a streamlined position description/performance
evaluation document (i.e., no state-related fields), streamlined secondary
employment (formerly “dual employment”) guidelines, and a one-year trial
period following reclassifications or promotions. The new human resources
policy manual is scheduled to be distributed the week of June 26 and will
be accessible through the Intranet.
As reported in a previous newsletter, the Authority will mimic the state's
general increase and merit plans for fiscal year 2000-2001. In the future,
greater emphasis will be placed on performance pay. Following are the key
elements of the general increase and merit plans for fiscal year 2000-2001:
2.5 percent general increase for all employees, except unclassified management,
effective on the July 11 paycheck for hourly paid (biweekly) and July 31
paycheck for employees paid on a monthly basis.
1 percent average merit pay in January 2001 to be automated through the
payroll system (no PEAR forms required) for all employees, except unclassified
management, based on their most recent performance appraisal rating. (Meets
= .5 percent; Exceeds = 1 percent; Substantially Exceeds = 1.5 percent)
Unclassified management will be considered for the combination general
increase/merit pay effective January 2001 at the same funding level (PEAR
forms required) as other employees.
Paycheck Questions/Authority Conversion
The Authority conversion will officially take place July 1, 2000. For purposes
of the payroll cycles, salaried (monthly paid) employees will convert July
1, which will be reflected in the July 31 paycheck. Hourly paid (biweekly)
employees will convert July 2, which will be reflected in the July 25 paycheck.
Questions concerning paycheck stubs (i.e., leave or pay) can be addressed
by calling the following numbers: Human Resources/Benefits: 792-0826 or
792-1208; Payroll: 792-5245 or 792-2035.
State Recall Rights for Authority Employees
Medical Center employees in permanent positions who convert to the Authority
will have state recall rights for one year. This means that an employee
who terminates employment with the Authority and is hired by the University
or another state agency will have sick leave reinstated, may have some
or all annual leave reinstated by purchasing its value, and will have state
service reinstated with no break indicated.
MUSC Intranet
Laurie Zone-Smith, R.N., MSN, manager of special projects, Clinical Services
Administration, and Michael Irving, M.S., manager of patient care systems,
Clinical Services Administration, gave an overview of the new MUSC Intranet
site, an employee resource that includes Medical Center news, JCAHO updates,
organizational charts, training resources, policies and other important
information. Access to the Intranet is available through the patient care
section of