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Tip of the Week
Did you know that you can search for a list of encounters for
a patient by using the Oacis Patcom Search button?
This button is located on the login window once you have signed onto
the system. It allows you to search for patients by one of three
mechanisms: by name, by medical record number or by patcom number. A patient's
patcom number is the encounter-specific billing number assigned by Patcom
Plus, the patient registration system. Once the patient appears in the
search results window, click the gray button to the left to select it,
then click the encounters button to view a list of all inpatient and outpatient
encounters. The encounter list includes the patcom number, physician's
name, doctor number, service, and start and end dates for the encounter.
This program was originally developed to help input transcription notes
into Oacis via the Transcription Macro but has proven to be a useful encounter
search tool for many clinicians.
Watch The Catalyst weekly for the “Tip of the Week” regarding both
ClinLAN95 and Oacis. For more information on ClinLAN95, visit its
website at <>.