Public Television to air end-of-life care storiesPublic Television has teamed up with well known broadcast journalist Bill Moyers to produce the series entitled “On Our Own Terms: Moyers on Dying in America.” The series will air on Public Television stations across the nation at 9 p.m. beginning Sept. 10 through 13.Hosted by Moyers, the series will present personal stories of patients and caregivers discussing issues related to end-of-life care and will include interviews with experts in the field, prominent thinkers, writers and others. The series is part of a national outreach campaign to promote public awareness on the movement to improve care at the end of life. The South Carolina Health Alliance, the SC Collaborative on End-Of-Life Care, the Carolinas Center for Hospice and End-Of-Life Care, and SCETV are working collaboratively with other organizations across the state to connect the public to this opportunity. In that effort, at 8 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 14, SCETV will air a locally produced program on end-of-life care in South Carolina. Hospice of Charleston is helping underwrite this production which will focus on four areas: hospice and palliative care, end-of-life care in the nursing home, cultural diversity related to end-of-life care, and advanced planning for end-of-life care. The program will include pre-taped interviews with several South Carolina families as well as a live presentation by local experts in end-of-life care. Viewers will be able to telephone or e-mail their questions to the panel of experts during the program. The goal of the series is to help individuals and families explore their vision of what they want in the way of care at the end of their life and to open lines of communication and encourage dialogue about improving end-of-life care in our state. To find out more about the series or to join the groups currently working
together in your community, call Carol Willis at Hospice of Charleston
at 529-3100 or Tamra West at the SC Health Alliance at (803) 796-3080,
ext. 237.