Childhood cancer follow-up clinic recognizedMUSC has been named by Nancy Keene, well-known author of books that help families of children with cancer, and her publisher Patient-Centered Guides, as one of the “Top 25” aftercare centers for childhood cancer survivors in the United States.“The powerful drugs and radiation used to cure children affect developing minds and growing bodies,” said Keene, co-author of Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Practical Guide to Your Future. “Two hundred fifty thousand survivors of childhood cancer live in the United States, and unfortunately, they are often cured and then ignored." MUSC's FACT (Follow-up After Cancer Treatment) Clinic meets at least quarterly, providing long-term follow-up for survivors of childhood cancer. It is coordinated by Diane Dufour, nurse practitioner. Clinic personnel also includes a pediatric oncologist, a radiation oncologist, a pediatric endocrinologist, a pediatric cardiologist, a social worker and specialists in developmental pediatrics and child life. Because chemotherapy can cause early tooth loss and dental decay, patients are also seen by a dentist for education and prevention. The FACT program is open to children and young adults who have been off chemotherapy for at least two years and who have been disease-free for five, regardless of where they received treatment. Keene, in an attempt to help desperate survivors search for doctors who understood their unique needs, surveyed more than 100 major children's hospitals' across the nation to find out which ones provided comprehensive services to children, teens and adults who are survivors of childhood cancer. The MUSC FACT program's facilities, staff and philosophy met the criteria to be on the Top 25 list. The criteria used included: