Lockwood Drive parking lot scheduled to open Oct. 2The Lockwood Drive parking lot is scheduled to open Monday, Oct. 2. The campus shuttle bus route will serve this location with the bus route running from the stop in front of Harborview Office Tower (HOT) through the conjoining parking lot entrance/exit.Even though the throughway between the two parking areas will be used only by buses, police and MUSC service vehicles, the traffic pattern will be such that a change to a one-way traffic flow around HOT is necessary to safely manage the vehicular and pedestrian activity of the area. For those who park in the HOT parking garage any adjustments should be minor. Surveys of traffic patterns show that the majority of drivers using the parking garage already turn right as they exit. Appropriate signs and markings will be installed showing the driveway in front of the building as a one-way entrance and the driveway behind the building as a one-way exit. For information, call Melinda Anderson, director, Office of Parking
Management at 792-3665 or e-mail andersme@musc.edu