School: College of Medicine, 2nd year. City you were born: Florence. Favorite TV show: Sportcenter. Favorite class: Nutrition (who's with me, 2nd years?) Favorite book: Catch-22 or Clockwork Orange. Favorite song: Changes weekly (this week it's Hero by Enrique Iglesias). Ingredient you must have in your refrigerator: Milk. Favorite chore: Walking my dog. Fond childhood memory: Fishing with buddies at a nearby pond in the summer. Bad habit: Chewing ice. Pet peeve: People who complain, but don't offer suggestions to fix the problem. Plans for the future: Complete medical school, do my residency training (I don't know what field yet), then go wherever the Army Medical Corps needs me! Person you admire the most: Jimmy Buffett. Hobbies: Music, computers, reading, and trying to get enough sleep. How do you stay fit: Working out, running, and playing sports. Biggest challenge: Leading a God-centered life and completing med school. Favorite words: If you think you are standing firm, be careful that you do not fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. If you could trade places with someone for a day,
what/who would you be: Dave Matthews on a
day he has a concert.