Plan Update
Four work groups have been selected as the focal areas for the 2002 MUSC
Strategic Plan. They are as follows:
Healthy Aging
Charge: To establish a plan that addresses
MUSC's role in promoting the health, increasing longevity, and improving
the quality of life of senior South Carolinians.
Healthy Youth and Development
Charge: To determine and outline MUSC's
role in improving the health of South Carolina's youth, and to advance
knowledge and understanding of human developmental biology.
Impacting Health Disparities
Charge: To understand the causes and to
develop a plan addressing the conditions which give rise to health disparities.
Resources and Environment
Charge: To review aspects of the university's
internal and external environment and to develop a plan which provides
a more effective, cooperative and innovative approach for fulfilling our
The chairs and members of the groups are now being compiled. To
keep current with ongoing developments access MUSC's Strategic Plan Web
site <>.