Stanley receives SCNA Award for ExcellenceAdvanced practice nurse Karen Stanley of the MUSC Psychiatric Consultation Liaison Nurse Services was awarded the South Carolina Nurses Association’s 2001 Award of Excellence in Advanced Practice Nursing at the SCNA House of Delegates meeting in Columbia on Nov. 3.Her nomination was reviewed by a committee of peers. Stanley was chosen over candidates from throughout the state. Stanley serves on the Subcommittee on Advanced Practice Nursing of the South Carolina Board of Nursing. The goals of this group are to promote the role of the advanced practice nurse in South Carolina and to achieve recognition for all Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) in South Carolina, based on education and national certification rather than on prescriptive authority and physician supervision. The most recent example of Stanley’s Advanced Practice Nursing accomplishments
is an ongoing process improvement project to prevent Alcohol Withdrawal
Syndrome (AWS), commonly called “the DT’s,” in trauma patients. Stanley
identified the problem, researched the literature and became team leader
for the PI project team that developed the AWS Practice Guideline currently
being used in a pilot project on the 6 West and 7 West nursing units.