Annual health, wellness fair to offer free screenings Feb. 24The Eleventh Annual Health and Wellness Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 24 at the City Gymnasium, Fishburne Street and Hagood Avenue.The fair will offer free screenings on blood pressure checks, glaucoma and vision, foot care, dental, at-risk stroke, depression, hearing tests, sickle cell anemia, height and weight and many others. There will also be activities for children such as arts and crafts, clowns, dental demonstrations, immunization information and more. In addition, educational material from more than 25 organizations will be displayed. The health and wellness fair is sponsored by the Health and Wellness
Consortium, the Auxiliary to the Charleston County Medical, Dental, and
Pharmaceutical Association, Arthur Christopher City Gymnasium, Tri-County
Black Nurses Association, MUSC/Office of the President, Department Endocrinology,
Prevention Control/Hollings Cancer Center, Roper Care Alliance, West Ashley
Periodontics, WCBD Channel 2, WPAL Radio, and The Chronicle.