SCRIPT 2001 deadline extended to March 9For seven years, the South Carolina Rural Interdisciplinary Program of Training or SCRIPT has educated and trained student professions in rural health care settings throughout areas of the Palmetto state. New to the program is its extension to South Carolina's Catawba—Wateree region, which is home to impoverished American Indian and other needy residents.Applications are currently being accepted for 2001 SCRIPT. The program allows eligible students to participate in one of four five-week, full-time rural practicums for the upcoming spring and summer sessions. SCRIPT is sponsored by the Low Country Area Health Education Center (Low Country AHEC) and MUSC. It is open to eligible students attending MUSC, South Carolina State University, University of South Carolina, Clemson and Francis Marion University. The program is designed to immerse students in a rural health care environment; provide experiences in a rural health care settings; acquaint students with a rural lifestyle and convey knowledge and appreciation for their roles in the community. It also gives students the opportunity to earn credit toward degree requirements and gain information and appreciation for functional roles, responsibilities and a range of practice for other discipline roles. SCRIPT's rural experience includes placement in community health centers, rural hospitals, health clinics and private practices in Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Beaufort, Berkeley, Calhoun, Charleston, Chester, Clarendon, Colleton, Dorchester, Fairfield, Hampton, Jasper, Lancaster, Lee, Orangeburg, Sumter and Union counties. The deadline for applications is Friday March 9. For general information about the program, contact Mary Cabaniss, 1-888-569-2432 or apply on-line at <> SCRIPT ‘2001 Program DatesRegistration Deadlines: March 9Complete and mail the LC AHEC registration form below or register online at Lowcountry AHEC’s website at <> Enclose $50 refundable deposit. (Checks will be returned after successful completion of first week of course). Students will be notified of their acceptance into the course. Register with MUSC during Spring and Summer 2001 registration for academic credit through Dr. Elizabeth Erkel, curriculum coordinator, Course number: Graduate INTDS 605
Call Mary Cabaniss, Lowcountry AHEC, for procedure at 1-888-569-2432.
South Carolina Rural Interdisciplinary Program of TrainingMail to: LC AHEC P.O. Box 948 Varnville, SC 29944 or Fax 803-943-3268Students must be admitted to the course by Low Country AHEC SCRIPT staff and are accepted on a first come basis. Select All sessions for which you are available. Mark “1” for first choice, “2” for second choice, etc. Session I_________
Session II_______
Session III________
Session IV______
Credit Option (circle one): Credit Option 4 or Other (specify) _______________________consult with your faculty advisor to determine the number of credits for which you are applying. Name: _____Mr. _____Mrs. ______Ms. Last_________________ First____________________ MI____________ Social Security # ______________________ E-mail__________________________ Telephone: Home_____________________________ Work____________________________ Best time to call (indicate which phone #) ______________ Mailing Address: Street ____________________________________________________ City/County___________________________________________________ State_______________ Zip________________ Discipline ________________________________________________ Year/Level______________ University____________________ PLEASE NOTE: Any housing resources you have in the region(s) you have