Take time to make a donationby Jan Sullivan, RNMUSC—American Red Cross Blood Donation Center Thanks to everyone who came by to donate blood this week. Our week was very slow on collections. Tuesday, March 5, five units of blood was donated and March 7, seven unit of blood was donated. Our goal is 10 units each day. A gentleman from Florence, who has a daughter in the hospital, came by Wednesday, March 7 to donate. He stated that he donates regularly in Florence but found out that a donor center is available here at MUSC. He wanted to donate due to the fact that his daughter had surgery. Thank you for taking the time to came and make that donation. The need for blood exists 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, 365 days-a-year.
Please consider donating. Call 792-0219 to schedule your donation.