Unapproved minutes from Faculty Senate meetingFollowing is a summary of the unapproved minutes from the Tuesday, March 6, Faculty Senate meeting.Legal Counsel
The Senate must still vote on the final version of the guidelines. The University Affairs Committee has outlined a system to manage the funds to support this program once they are collected. Two lawyers have expressed interest in the position. The next major step will be soliciting donations from the faculty. Senators will distribute information, answer questions, and solicit donations. The committee will outline a plan for solicitation for discussion at the April Senate meeting. Faculty Senate chairman Adrian Reuben, M.D., stated he would send out a newsletter explaining the legal counsel program. This will also be a major item on the agenda for the general faculty meeting planned for later in March. Post-Tenure Review
UMA Finances
Jordan Medical Bookstore Closure
Sutusky’s main topic was the closure of Jordan Medical Bookstore, which has served as the MUSC bookstore for a number of years. Last fall, the bookstore owners advised the university that they had been suffering serious losses for awhile and unless that could be turned around, they would have to close. Pressures exacerbating the problem include the rise of e-commerce, the consolidation of the book distribution and sales industry, and problems with accuracy in the faculty book orders. The latter resulted in surplus inventory which required returns at a cost of a 25 percent re-stocking fee. MUSC was unable to demand that all faculty and students buy exclusively at Jordan Bookstore, as requested by the owners; nor can the university afford to subsidize the bookstore. In January, the owners announced plans to close the store in March. Rosalie Crouch, Ph.D., provost and vice president for academic affairs,
and Sutusky appointed a university-wide, academically-based committee to
look at options and make recommendations for both short-term and long-range
Three solutions are being considered: an agreement with another local college bookstore, establishing a virtual bookstore, and having a physical location on campus for a bookstore. Work is also being done on an automated system for the identification and publication of booklists. Runyon is very interested in hearing suggestions from faculty and welcomes their input. His e-mail is runyonj@musc.edu. Handbook Review
Reuben noted that the most significant sections for review and consideration are those that deal with faculty rights and responsibilities. Senators who know of problems that faculty have experienced because something was not covered in the Faculty Handbook should send a description of the issue to Margolius. Subbi Mathur, Ph.D., noted that there are discrepancies between some of the APT guidelines of individual colleges and the university APT guidelines in the Handbook. General Faculty Meeting
Crouch will address the senate in April. She will give an update on the search for a dean for the College of Medicine and discuss how various recent department chair appointments have been made. Senators may contact Reuben (reubena@musc.edu) if they have other issues for Crouch. The next meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday, April 3, in room 107 of the Administration/Library building. The unapproved minutes for the March 6 meeting of the Faculty Senate
appear in their entirety on the Faculty Senate Web page, <http://www.musc.edu/facsen/301minutes.html>.