2001 YES Campaign chair shares personal messageEach April, we ask you—the employees of MUSC—to reflect upon the Medical University's mission and its impact upon this state and community. At the same time, we ask you to remember that everything the University accomplishes is due entirely to you, our valued employees. That is why we have the Yearly Employee Support (YES) Campaign.The YES Campaign is an internal fund-raising drive in which employees make donations to more than 300 funds throughout the Medical University. These donations provide scholarships, fund research projects,provide patient counseling services and support a full range of community outreach programs. In addition to our many designated funds, the YES Campaign now offers an undesignated fund that allows the Univeristy to respond to new needs as they merge. Although this fund is only two years old, it already has enabled us to refurbish our chapel/meditation room, purchase videocassette players for patient rooms in the Children's Hospital and meet many other important needs. This year our YES Campaign goal is $235,000. I am asking you to take this time to reflect upon how much you have andhow much you have to give. This is a unique opportunity for us as a family of employees to give back to the community in a way that has such a positive impact on the lives and health of our friends and neighbors. Thank you for your continued support of MUSC and its mission.
Perry V. Halushka, M.D., Ph.D.