To The MUSC Community:The Governor of South Carolina has proclaimed the week of May 7 as Public Service Recognition Week, and Wednesday, May 9 as South Carolina State Employee Recognition Day. These dates also happen to coincide with National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week.It is my pleasure and privilege to take this opportunity to express the appreciation I have for all of the members of the Medical University of South Carolina family. This team includes 4,730 university faculty and staff; 3,784 Medical University Hospital Authority members; 1,034 at University Medical Associates; 184 at Charleston Memorial Hospital; and 639 volunteers. Each of you has been essential in moving our university forward through challenging times. You have proven that you are more than up to any such challenge. This is not simply a matter of ability. It is also a matter of loyalty, character, resourcefulness, mutual respect, perseverance, and pride-all characteristics repeatedly demonstrated by our faculty and staff. We can confidently approach the future with the knowledge that we will continue to improve and expand our services to the people of South Carolina. You may be interested to know that of the 9,732 current MUSC/MUHA/UMA/CMH employees, more than 25 percent have served for more than 10 years and 10 percent more than 20 years. These figures clearly speak to your loyalty and dedication, as well as our ability to get the job done successfully. We can all take pride in the ongoing recognition that the university has received through the efforts of our faculty and staff. It is also appropriate at this time to commend an often overlooked segment of our loyal team. These are the volunteers who selflessly serve our patients without any compensation. During fiscal year 1999—2000, 639 volunteers contributed 34,171 hours of their time and talent. This represents almost 4,300 work days or 16 work years donated out of the goodness of their hearts and a desire to help others. Let me finally thank each and every one of you for your own volunteer service to our community through various public and private organizations. The Charleston area certainly would not be as wonderful a place to live without the contributions made at all levels by MUSC faculty, staff, and students. Please accept my deepest appreciation for all that you do at work and in the community. With best wishes, Raymond S. Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D.
April 27, MUSC Children's Hospital volunteer Larissa Allison, right, was
one of five recipients of the tri-county's highest community award, the
Lowcountry Volunteer Award, sponsored annually by the Volunteer Center
and the Post and Courier. Allison was honored as founder and coordinator
of Happy Wheels, a weekly project that brings joys and smiles to children
through toys and books. “Ms. Allison is unique...She is the perfect example
of the 'Power of One' to add to, improve and bring happiness to the lives
of our deserving children,” wrote Child Life manager Sandra Oberman, who
submitted her nomination and helped to present the award. For her project,
Allison solicited donated monies for books and toys and secured the support
of 11 churches—inspiring about 100 volunteers from the Grand Strand and
Lowcountry areas to dedicate their time and deliver gifts to patients on