Course in responsible research conduct offeredA course in the Responsible Conduct of Research is being offered to all postdoctoral students and interested faculty at MUSC. This course will be given during a six-week period starting on Monday, June 25. It will meet on Mondays from 6 to 9 p.m., room 410 of the Institute of Psychiatry, South Building.The format is interactive with emphasis on group discussions of actual and fictitious cases. Participants will be responsible for some case presentations and for leading discussion groups. Various faculty members will be used as discussion facilitators. Interspersed in the discussions will be speakers from the university who are invited to present the latest regulations on the use of animals and humans in research and the university policies with respect to scientific ethics. The first two sessions will be devoted to a Historical Background and Ethical Decision Making. Subsequent topics will include: mentoring; scientific record keeping; authorship; peer review; scientific misconduct; genetic technology; conflict of interest; and conducting research. A text titled “Teaching the Responsible Conduct of Research Through a Case Study Approach” published by the Association of American Medical Colleges is used as a reference. There is no cost for the course. The course is limited to approximately
25 students. Interested persons should register with William Boggan,
Ph.D., at or call 792-5222.