CurrentsTo MUSC Employees:The State Budget and Control Board recently approved a $31 million line of credit to MUSC Medical Center for FY 2001/2002. This approval process for a line of credit was stipulated in the Hospital Authority legislation enacted last year. The intent is to give the Medical Center (Hospital Authority) the ability to borrow short-term funds to assist with working capital needs. This enables the Medical Center to operate like other businesses. At our recent communications meeting we had a follow-up discussion on the Performance Management draft policy as discussed at the May 1 communications meeting. The primary purpose of the draft policy change was to increase the emphasis on customer services. Comments were solicited. The final product, while maintaining the increased emphasis upon customer service, includes other helpful changes as outlined below. W. Stuart Smith
Finalization of Performance Management PolicyBetts Ellis, administrator, Institutional Relations, discussed the changes to the performance management policy and expressed appreciation to everyone for helping to work through the policy revisions. The final product represents the work of the customer service work group and another committee that previously combined the evaluation document and job description. Also, recommendations from JCAHO consultants, Medical Center employees and the management team led to improvements to the final product.Highlights of the revisions:
As in the past, the competencies and performance characteristics are preprinted on the evaluation document for consistency and ease in administration. Job tasks may be preprinted for selected titles (such as clinical nurses). As discussed during the May 29 communications meeting, in accordance with the customer service committee’s work plan, all staff with evaluation dates falling after Dec. 31, 2001 (except CN, CNC, CNL whose planning stages already include the strengthened customer service competency) need to have planning stages updated according to the new document. The updated policy is posted in the Medical Center Intranet under Human
Resources policies. The forms have been distributed by email to managers
for immediate use. Anyone needing the new forms should contact Jane
Smith (smithjan).