Meet..DylanName: Dylan Howe.Department: Systems, as a lab assistant in the 4th floor computer lab. Birth place: Wausau, Wisconsin. Family: Dad, Tony; mom, Wendi; and brother, Neal. Pets: Sea monkeys. Favorite book: Black Spring by Henry Miller. Pet peeve: People who complain. Personality trait you admire in others: Honesty. Person you most admire: Henry Rollins. Hobbies: Surfing, skateboarding, running. Something people don't know about you: I have a twisted sense of humor. Fond childhood memory: Winning the Mother’s Day Essay contest in second grade and winning flowers for my mom. Thing that you fear: Looking back on my life and saying to myself, “I wish I would have done that.” If you could be anywhere right now, you would be: In Tahiti surfing under the Tahitian moon. Car that best describes your personality: A white 1990 Plymouth Laser. Motto to live by: Want
a good body? Work at it. Want to be a success? Work at it. Want to be truly
exceptional? Be a touch insane...You need a little bit of insanity to do
great things.