ClinLAN advisory group invites participantsDo you have suggestions for improvement for ClinLAN (the Clinical Local Area Network)? Do you have some ideas for future applications you’d like to see here at MUSC? This is your opportunity to be heard and help to make a difference.You are invited to participate in the ClinLAN User Advisory Group. The group is intended to provide an open forum to consider ClinLAN related issues in a setting where customers can provide feedback to CCIT. Dave Northrup, director of Healthcare Services, described the committee as “a group which allows ClinLAN customers to identify and discuss computer-related issues that affect their work.” The latest ClinLAN developments, up and coming outages, and recent developments are also discussed in the meetings. The committee encourages communication between ClinLAN customers and MUSC’s computer professionals. For instance, two issues currently being discussed at the ClinLAN User Advisory Group meetings are a campuswide calendaring system and a single e-mail application for all of MUSC. (Currently, different departments use different calendaring and e-mail applications.) Consistent applications would allow for easier communication between departments. If you have any topics for discussion or issues to addressed, visit
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and click the ClinLAN User Advisory Group link for meeting dates and times.
Meetings are held in room 125 of the Gazes/Thurmond Building.