Where nurses', patients' needs convergeby Janice Rhodes R.N.,Clinical Services Education Project Nurse and Laurie Zone-Smith, R.N., Clinical Services Special Projects Manager Nine months ago the Nursing Leadership Team identified the need to ensure an adequate supply of clinical associates to work side by side with registered nurses and provide excellent care for their patients. The initial assessment revealed 89.79 vacant patient care technician (PCT)/clinical associate (CA) positions and the committed resources required to maintain the current MUSC CA training course provided by the Department of Clinical Education. The CA task force was commissioned and considered several options to design an innovative program that would train clinical associates for the inpatient and outpatient care areas. Members of the task force included: Dolores Reynolds, Irene Talarico, Janice Rhodes, Nancy Davidson, Sonya Muckenfuss, Hermenia Moseley, Mary Brigman, Susan Carullo, and Laurie Zone-Smith. This program had to offer structured classroom training in conjunction with clinical training at MUSC hospital. A cost benefit analysis demonstrated that outsourcing this program would save money for the hospital. Savings would be realized in the total cost per training hour, the RN instruction time spent in the classroom/clinical settings and RN time spent completing the CA competency skills checklist with the new orientees. The RN time dedicated to training new staff in the CA position could now be provided by Trident Technical College instructors, thus allowing the RN quality time to perform RN functions. The selected strategy was to outsource the CA program in a collaborative effort with Trident Technical College. Mitchell Harp, director of continuing education was instrumental in designing and implementing a curriculum that would meet the need. In February, the task force determined an implementation plan for the Clinical Associate Apprenticeship (CAA) program. The plan required active involvement from the Department of Human Resources staff to design and deliver an advertising campaign through the local newspaper. Information pamphlets were distributed to prospective community groups who may be interested in a new career in health care. The group also determined the CAA curriculum and schedule for clinical rotations at the MUSC hospital. The plan was presented to the nursing leadership and unanimously endorsed. Applicants interviewed for CAA positions on specific units. They were hired as employees of MUSC Hospital Authority and received pay while attending the CAA program. The course was seven and one-half weeks in duration, starting March 14 and ending May 4. MUSC covered the cost of the training course and materials. The employees were responsible for attending all the sessions and completing the program requirements. Employees were asked to meet with the nurse manager or designee on a regular basis to update them on their progress in the CAA program. Twelve individuals with diverse backgrounds successfully completed the first Clinical Associate Apprenticeship program. All of the graduates are currently working in MUSC patient care units as clinical associates. The second CAA course was completed on July 27 graduating 15 new clinical associates. The Medical Center anticipates scheduling the CAA program quarterly in the future to assure clinical associate staffing needs are met. The nursing leadership recognized and honored the 12 graduates
of the first Clinical Associate Apprenticeship program at a reception on
July 20 in the 10th floor dining room. Graduates were: Dana Singleton,
House Option Pool; Lisa Morgan, House Option Pool; Lynze Norvell, House
Option Pool; Maria Tran, 7 A Children's Hospital; Gretchen Kline, 7B Children's
Hospital; Sharon Kirkley, 7 C Children's Hospital; Danielle Raptou, 8 D
Children's Hospital; Laura Hansen, Burn Unit; Lisa Odom, 8 East; Jeanette
Lee, 8 East; Ann Williams - 6 East; and DeAnna Ellis, 6 East.