Faculty Senate meeting: tenure, committeesThe Faculty Senate met Jan. 8 and was called to order by Anne O. Kilpatrick, DPA. The next meeting will be held at at 7:45 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 5, room 107, Administration/Library Building.Meeting Proceedings
Mathur summarized the highlights of the Faculty Senate Retreat held Dec. 12 under the title: “Let us pick up and go: Things learned at our recent retreat.” The highlights are as follows:
One thing came out loud and clear—we need to make sure that the faculty tenure is given to the faculty member in recognition of his/her unique talents and contributions to MUSC and not linked to any one academic program or department since it appears that the academic leadership can cut off programs and cost the faculty their tenured positions. Review of Tenure Section in the Faculty Handbook by the Faculty Affairs Committee is vital. We also need to make sure that the monetary guarantee is there for a tenured position and that the basic salary is commensurate with the faculty rank. Review of Remuneration Policy by the Academic
Affairs Committee
Mentoring and Guidance of Young Faculty We should set up a Faculty Senate Tenure Workshop for young faculty to help them achieve their professional goals especially those related to securing a tenured position. This falls under the purview of the Faculty Affairs Committee. Anne Kilpatrick charged the Faculty Affairs Committee (Chair: Subbi P. Mathur) with the task of working on faculty tenure and organizing a Faculty Tenure Workshop for younger faculty members. She charged the Academic Affairs Committee (Chair: Philippe Arnaud) with the task of working on Faculty Compensation Policies. She announced the selection of Kit Simpson as the new chair for the Universitywide Gender Equity Committee. Incidentally, Kit Simpson was elected as the chair of the University Affairs Committee of the Faculty Senate. She asked that the representatives from respective colleges make an effort to fill in the positions of the senators that are leaving MUSC during the elected term. Rich Hernandez, chair of the MUSC Faculty Contract Review Committee (Paul Gold, Jennie Arial, Tara Halsey, Louis Leite, Sally Self, Terry O’Brien and John Bosso as members with Tom Higerd, ex officio.) reported on the Faculty Contract Committee happenings. He incorporated the revisions suggested by the Faculty Senate during the Faculty Senate Retreat and had meetings with the provost. He will make further presentations to the Deans’ Council. It was agreed that the Faculty Senate has to clarify the tenured versus non-tenured base salary issue. Suggestions from the floor supported the idea of having 50th percentile of national mean salaries of faculty members in their respective departments and colleges. Art Services and Digital Imaging
The following recommendations were made:
The post-tenure review document, is a product of a Faculty Senate ad hoc committee effort (chair: Philip Privitera; members: Subbi Mathur and Jerry Webb, Tom Higerd ex-officio. This document was prepared in response to concerns from Commission for Higher Education that specifically asked for a reward system for successful faculty performance and in keeping with Good Practices document. The document was approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate in October 2001 and forwarded to the Deans’ Council. The Deans’ Council approved it, after two meetings with the subcommittee. The committee met with the provost and finalized the revisions. The entire document is on this website. The salient paragraph that contains the important revision on the reward system for superior performance is as follows: “5. The College APT Committee shall, after completing their review, make a report to the department chair/director. The report, which shall be a permanent part of the faculty member’s personnel file, will contain: ‘An appraisal of the faculty member’s performance and progress, including the perceived strengths and weaknesses. The performance shall be rated as superior, satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Any faculty member who receives a superior appraisal or satisfactory will be entitled to receive a permanent merit increase in base pay, in addition to any annual raise as determined by the dean of the faculty member’s college, or chairman of the faculty member’s department with approval of the dean. The merit increase will be awarded by the provost and will be funded for the first year by the Office of the Provost.’” The Revised Post-Tenure Review document is on Faculty Senate Web site and was unanimously approved by the Faculty Senate, after a presentation by Philip Privitera at this meeting. Committee and Job Assignments
Faculty Hand Book Revisions
Senators present