BUAP pediatric dentistry specialist visits MUSCby Heather MurphyPublic Relations MUSC, under the guidance of Carlos Salinas, DDS, DMD, and the MUSC International Affairs Committee, has signed a bilateral agreement with the Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, School of Dentistry (BUAP). Salinas giving courses on Craniofacial Genetics in Puebla initiated the faculty exchange program in 1999. Claudia Gil, DMD, who specializes in pediatric dentistry, was the first professor from BUAP to visit MUSC’s College of Dental Medicine under the agreement. “This is an excellent opportunity to develop and continue our education as professionals as well as acquiring a better image and better training to help our university,” Gil said. “We want to learn new technologies that are already used at MUSC and bring them back to Mexico so that we may help the large numbers of children suffering from dental diseases, cleft palate and other craniofacial disabilities,” she said. “We want to do everything that we can to improve the quality of life for those children.” Gil had the opportunity to visit the pediatric dentistry residency program and discuss common problems with Cynthia Hardin, DMD, director of the residency program. She also attended the Fourth Annual Course on the Dental Program for Diagnosis and Treatment for Special Patients. “I’m delighted with the hospitality of Dean DeChamplain and very impressed with MUSC’s library facilities,” Gil said. Gil stayed in Charleston for a week in September to participate in the exchange. Salinas’ involvement with the new program stems from his work with the International Association for Disability and Oral Health, which promotes oral health care for people with impairments worldwide. IADH promotes equity of access to high quality care by developing the international exchange of good practice, educational programs and research programs. “I feel that there are plenty of opportunities for us to work together with our Mexican colleagues in clinical and basic research, “ Salinas said. “Indeed, we have already presented papers at international meetings in collaboration with faculty members from Mexico.” Catalyst Online is published weekly, updated as
needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public Relations
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