Faculty Senate announces committee membersReport from the Faculty Senate chair, Anne Osborne Kilpatrick: Kilpatrick and Jennie Clifton, Development Office, gave the United Way campaign presentation.The university goal this year is $215,000, and MUSC is about 60 percent toward achieving that goal, at about the midpoint of the campaign.Report of the Arts and Digital Imaging Department: Geoff Freeman, faculty senator and director of Educational Technology Services and Distance Education, reported on the status of the department. The Faculty Senate conducted a study in 2001 regarding the future of the department, and a consultant was hired as well. Recommendations were that the service should be provided by the university, and should be an integral part of the educational mission of the university. It has moved administratively under the auspices of his office, and Freeman encouraged fellow senators to use the service, and to tell their colleagues about the service. It is essential to use the service, and help the unit continue to pay for itself. While there are some commercial services outside, we have unique capabilities, particularly related to patient confidentiality and quality, that justify continuing this needed service. Appointment of committee members: Katherine Chessman, Pharm.D., secretary, announced the appointment of committee members for standing committees. Those who had not requested a specific committee were assigned, particularly to assure representation on all committees by each of the academic units of the university. Tara Hulsey, Ph.D., R.N., will chair the Gender Equity Committee, and also serve as parliamentarian. Conflict of Commitment policy: The Senate members discussed the proposed revisions to the conflict of commitment policy. It was suggested that samples of the faculty contract and practice plans be available for clarification in the appendix and the motion was approved by the Senate. The next meeting will be held Dec. 3.
Standing Committee of Faculty SenateExecutive—elected by electoral unitsAnne Osborne Kilpatrick, chair, College of Health Professions; Michael Zile, vice-chair, College of Medicine, Clinical Sciences; Kathy Chessman, secretary, College of Pharmacy; Tara Hulsey, College of Nursing, parliamentarian; Philippe Arnaud, COM, Basic Science; Mary Mauldin, Library Science and Informatics; and Carlos Salinas, CDM. Governance—Appointed by Executive Committee, Tara Hulsey, covener
Faculty Affairs—Kathy Chessman, convener
Academic Affairs—Philippe Arnaud, convener
University—Mary Mauldin, convener
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