Study reveals one-third of children are riding at riskNational Child Passenger Safety Week is Feb. 10-16. It is important to remind parents that motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury-related death and disability for children ages 14 and under. Many of these injuries are preventable.To help parents understand the risks, the National Safe Kids Campaign has released findings from a nationwide study on restraint use in America and the results are shocking. Here are a few key findings. For a complete report, visit the Safe Kids Web site at
Research is telling us that parents are still not getting the message. Safe Kids believes that there are three ways to change parents’ knowledge and behavior: 1) enacting stronger child occupant protection laws; 2) enforcing those laws with stiff penalties for offenders; and 3) educating adults about the dangers of not properly protecting children. There should be four steps for children:
For more information on finding the right seat, call Trident Area Safe
Kids at 792-5327.