Student database training classes slated for FebruaryAs a service to Medical University staff, The Office of Enrollment Services began offering the following training sessions in January.These are voluntary training sessions for student services employees interested in learning how to utilize the many helpful features of the latest version of Colleague, the university’s student database, as well as other resources provided by OES. These sessions have a maximum capacity of seven participants. Reservations are on a first come first serve basis. To reserve a session, call 792-8717 or e-mail January sessions had waiting lists so sign up early. Cancellations are requested 24 hours in advance. Learn about the following:
The classes will be offered as follows: Tuesday, Feb. 26: Roster and
Transcript Processing, 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Wednesday, Feb. 27: Student Information
Inquiry, 2:30-3:30 p.m.; Thursday, Feb. 28: Address Maintenance, 2:30-3:30