Meet...CurtisName: Curtis Miracle.Department: Facilities coordinator for the Institute of Psychiatry. Favorite TV show: Charmed. Favorite book: The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Ingredient you must have in your refrigerator: Milk. Least favorite chore: Mowing the grass. Favorite anecdote: My army drill sergeant always teased me saying “Miracle, it's going to be a miracle if you make it through this!” Least favorite thing about the Army: I didn't like them having jurisdiction over my closet. Bad habit: Smoking. Plans for the future: I have always wanted to own my own restaurant. Favorite dish to cook: Fresh apple cake. Historic figure you admire: Abraham Lincoln for his move to equality. Hobbies: Stained glass work, picture framing and matting. Biggest challenge: Getting others to meet their deadlines. Most rewarding thing about your job: I get satisfaction from making people's lives a little easier. Where would you go for your dream vacation: Egypt. If you could trade places with anything for a day: I would want to be my roommate's pets: they are treated like royalty. If you suddenly had a free day, what would you do? I would work on a stained glass project. My favorite piece is the one on my den doors: it's a heron with a marsh scene behind it. Something people don't know about you:
I am terrified of needles.