Rumor Mill separates fact from fictionMSN programRumor: As a 10-year employee at the IOP I finally decided to return to school for my master's in psychiatric nursing. As my full-time position would not accommodate my returning to school I decided to return to full-time and work half-time. I had been told by human resources that a tuition reimbursement program was forthcoming. Since I have not been able to get any further details on this new policy, which was presented as one in which you could work part-time and go to school and then pay back the tuition by working for MUSC for a designated time period, I am not sure if I will be eligible for this program. I am currently working 40 hours every two weeks. Do you have any information? Truth: The Authority's Human Resources' Tuition Reimbursement policy (#17) is currently under review. The plan is to have a minimum scheduled work week provision as an eligibility criteria for participation in the program. Once the policy is approved, it will be disseminated to directors and managers and posted on the Intranet. Fowarding pager
Truth: The following clarification was received from appropriate MUHA authorities: We appreciate this opportunity to respond to your experience with a perception of our call center service. As we continue to upgrade and improve this service and options, we try to relay information about changes and improvements to our users. In the past, individuals were unable to make their own changes regarding their pager coverage or referral options. However, in response to user requests, we worked with our software company to make these options available via our automated system. To facilitate and encourage use of this expanded capability, our operators are encouraged to ensure callers are aware of upgrades and options. Overriding all of this is the 'Caller Request' Protocol. This protocol ensures callers can request that an operator provide both a number and connect the caller to that number. In turn, callers can request information regarding pager options, but can also request the operator perform the service. Most of our users have welcomed the automated system and the ability to avoid the waits sometimes involved in reaching an operator. The written instructions for these services are provided in the Simon Directory. To change a pager status, cover the pager with another pager, or to refer the pager to a telephone number, see pages 11-13. Additional directories are available in the department (243 North Tower) or by calling our HotLine, 792-4438, to order. We have found our best success is when we conference the caller and the operator with the automated system. This technique allows us to walk the caller through a step at a time. Any of our staff would be happy to assist this individual with a walk-through as well. We can assure you that we want to provide a quality and valuable service to our callers and users. Please let us know anything we can do to improve your experience with us. If you should experience a problem again, call or page Jane Lunn, the manager, at 792-3099 or pager #11653. The switch
Truth: Special measures were taken to address the payroll lag issue for Ambulatory Care employees who will be transferring to the MUHA payroll. The UMA payroll has no lag time, while the MUHA payroll has a lag time that is typical of many employers' pay systems. For instance, a new hire for the MUHA who begins on July 1 would get his first paycheck on July 24 and then would receive his paychecks biweekly thereafter. As discussed in the information sessions for Ambulatory Care employees, the option is being given to cash-in accrued annual leave and/or to take an interest-free loan with a value of up to two weeks (10 days) pay to be paid out on or around July 12. The interest-free loan can be repaid through a payroll deduction during a period of time. (The initial plan was to allow up to 40 hours of leave cash-in if desired, but this has most recently been changed to allow up to 80 hours of leave). The leave balance, after the cash-in, will transfer to employees' MUHA PTO. The intent of the leave cash-in and interest-free loan options is to provide employees with a method to continue cash-flow equivalent to the employees' current rates of pay. This is explained in detail on page 22 of the Hospital Authority Conversion Booklet that was given to each Ambulatory Care employee that attended the required briefings. MUHA
Truth: The rumor is not true. The legislation that created the MUSC Hospital Authority was enacted by the General Assembly and approved by the governor (Act No. 264) in May of 2000 and the Authority was duly implemented by the MUSC Board of Trustees effective July 2000. Parking increase
Truth: The Rumor Mill apologizes for the delay in responding to this rumor. The MUSC parking system is self supporting. In order to build additional parking facilities and to maintain and repair existing ones, a four-year schedule of parking rate increases was implemented in July 2000. All employees and students who park in the reserved parking system, not just residents, are required to pay. Some residents' parking, however, is paid for by their departments. This decision is made by the individual departments. Employee flextime
Truth: Following are replies received from both MUSC and MUHA. MUSC reply: A few months ago an e-mail was forwarded to all university departments suggesting flextime as a scheduling option for reducing costs and/or getting critical work done. Flextime usually means a shorter workweek, but longer workdays, i.e., working 40 hours in four days. However, there are multiple other options that allow employees and managers to work together to create win-win solutions. For additional information about scheduling and staffing options visit the SUPRADVICE Column on the University Human Resources Homepage, or call 792-2685. MUHA reply: The Medical Center has an array of work schedules to meet the business-related needs for our 24 hours per day and seven days per week operation. Medical Center Human Resources policy #9 (see Intranet) addresses work schedules. In general, the Medical Center administration has discouraged a four day work week for full time office employees and any such schedule approved by the department head needs strong work-related justification. Reproduced from