Faculty tenure, mentoring workshop slated for Thursday, May 30A workshop entitled “Faculty Tenure and Mentoring” will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 30 in the Institute of Psychiatry Auditorium.The workshop, sponsored by the Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost, is designed to bring awareness of tenure-related requirements and mentoring processes available on the campus. This workshop will benefit senior faculty members who want to be mentors as well as the junior faculty members who need the mentoring. Topics that will be discussed include: Tenure Requirements and Guidelines in the Colleges; Mentoring Junior Faculty towards Professional Excellence and Tenure: How to be a mentor and to be mentored; Enhancement of Professional Excellence in Teaching, Clinical Service and Research; Acquiring Intellectual Property and Improving Grantsmanship and; A discussion of the Tenure and Tenure related Policies under Review by the Faculty Senate. For information or to send feedback through the Faculty Senate Web site
visit http://www.musc.edu/facsen.