Eager blood donor teams number 28 and countingby Heather MurphyPublic Relations In the name of love, Bloodsuckers and Bleeding Hearts continue to compete with other teams in the hospital-wide blood donation contest that kicked off at the beginning of July. “We’ve been so excited and pleased with the response,” said Annie Loverling of the American Red Cross. With the Charleston area using 35,000 units of blood per year and donating 25,000, it’s no wonder that the American Red Cross has taken a bold step towards balancing supply and demand. “Everyone has been so enthusiastic about the idea,” Lovering said, “We already have 28 teams competing in the first quarter of the contest with an average of about 18 members per team. I am so thankful for the help and cooperation from so many people at MUSC. We’d love for everyone at MUSC to be involved.” To create a team, team captains must notify Lovering they are forming a team and turn in a sign-up sheet to the donor room (279 MUH). If the sheet isn’t full at the time, then added names can be emailed later (loverina@musc.edu). Teams are limited to 25 people and may consist of individuals from different departments, friends or relatives. Once members sign up, call 792-0219 to make a first appointment via Health Connection. Blood mobile drives held during the first week of each month provide an opportunity to donate as well. The next drive is August 5. The following teams are competing in the 1st quarter contest: Laboratory Lifesavers (Lab Services), Bobalou (Radiology, Imaging), Bloody Mary’s (Lab Services), Hematocritters (primarily Lab Services- HLA), Imagers (Radiology), Big Cheese Squeeze (Hospital Administration), Main OR , Leukocyte Leeches (primarily bed management). 7A Children’s Hospital, The Bleeding Hearts (Heart Center), Scaredy Cats (primarily first time givers), Bloodhounds (Biometry), Bloodsuckers (TCU @ Charleston Memorial), Bloodrays (Radiation Safety), Bat Bait (Radiation Oncology), The Droplets (Peds Cardiology), Inpatient Pharmacy, Administrative Services Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, Ambulatory Pharmacy, MICU/Med Surg ICU, Cannon Street Blood Clots (Marketing), Dracula's Fangs Surgs (primarily 6 West), B Positive! (Pathology), NICUtologous, Peds-RT, Library/Admin Bldg./Enrollment. Catalyst Online is published weekly, updated as
needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public Relations
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of South
Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at 792-4107
or by email, catalyst@musc.edu. Editorial copy can be submitted to Catalyst
Online and to The Catalyst in print by fax, 792-6723, or by email to petersnd@musc.edu
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