CurrentsTo Medical Center Employees:At the recent communications meeting Hal Currey, Facilities and Capital
We began the weekly communications meeting in the mid-1990s during a period of massive reorganization. It became evident that a routine forum for sharing essential information with the management team is important. Ideally all managers should have similar face-to-face meetings with staff in their respective areas. As we approach the end of the calendar year we will celebrate our accomplishments and revisit our work plan for the next six months. Planning for the new Phase I hospital facility will continue as a high priority. The framework for our updated “nuts and bolts” tactical plan has been prepared and the goals include improve care/safety, distinguish the Medical Center as the provider of choice, gain recognition as the employer of choice, reduce costs, and enhance information management. These goals to some extent are updated versions of our previous tactical plan covering the past few years. We will involve a number of work groups in development and implementation of specific initiatives to accomplish these goals as we move forward. The JCAHO accreditation survey took place Nov. 17-21. I appreciate everyone’s work in ensuring that we were prepared to demonstrate how we fulfill the standards. The survey results will be widely disseminated. As we approach the holiday season I want to thank everyone for a job well done. Have a safe and happy holiday. W. Stuart Smith
Update on direction of communication meetingsHal Currey, Facilities and Capital Improvements administrator, thanked the management team for recommendations on how to improve the effectiveness of the weekly communications meeting. All recommendations were collected, categorized and carefully reviewed by the administrative team with the idea of improving the value of the meetings.Currey said that weekly management team communications meetings will continue to be held, but with renewed focus to ensure substance and delivery. Agenda topics submitted in the future need to be directly aligned with subject matter (e.g. organizational priorities) needed to be kept on the “radar screen.” As in the past, meetings will be held at 1 p.m. each Tuesday but will be canceled if no substantive agenda items have been submitted or during weeks with recognized holidays. Agenda topics will focus upon core areas including capital improvements (e.g. phase I hospital facility progress), strategic goals and tactical planning, quality and safety, financial and human resources updates, regulatory and policy matters, special projects, and recognition. There will be increased effort to avoid duplication of any presentations made through other forums. Fund raising presentations other than the YES Campaign and Trident United Way will be discouraged. Highlights of the communications meetings will continue to be included in the weekly Currents newsletter. All employees are encouraged to bring forward any questions about the content of the newsletter. Planning Summary Update
The updated draft tactical plan for the 2003-05 period is based on an array of recommended initiatives including key issues identified at the management team’s March retreat, suggested improvements brought forward through the customer service and leadership training sessions, and a review of the Medical Center’s performance indicators. The tactical plan summary may be accessed online at IMPROVE contest results and STAR awards
Kerr also recognized Sherry Gillespie-Miller, Ambulatory Care/Clinical Services Administration, Teresa Rogers, Hospital Administration, Terry Ellis, Quality Management, and Libby Minton, Clinical Services Administration, with STAR awards for their help in continued survey readiness. Announcements