senate assigns committee chairs
The faculty senate’s November meeting minutes were approved and posted
on the senate’s Web site at http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Committee Assignments
Kathy Chessman reviewed committee assignments for the 2003/04 session.
The five committees are: governance committee, Tara Hulsey, chair; committee
on institutional advancement, Debra Hazen-Martin, chair; committee on communication
and education, Rick Albenesius, chair; committee on faculty and institutional
relationships, Paul Gold, chair; and strategic planning committee, Geoff
Freeman, chair.
Senators from all colleges serve on each committee. Committee assignments
can be viewed on the Web site.
Update on Parking at MUSC
Melinda Anderson, director of the Office of Parking Management, provided
an update on scheduled and proposed changes in parking. The majority of
the proposed changes are due to construction of the new hospital and the
renovation of the old Charleston High School for the College of Health
Professions. The next two years will be a critical period, especially for
student parking. Efforts are under way to ensure adequate spaces for student
parking in August.
Chair’s Report—Kathy Chessman
Chessman reported that before the proposed constitution is presented
again for ratification, the governance committee will review and revise
it based on suggestions made during the faculty meeting on Monday, Dec.
1. During January, the revised draft of the constitution and by-laws will
be sent to all faculty for comment. The constitution and by-laws will be
voted upon at the next quarterly faculty meeting, scheduled for March.
Chessman also asked that the governance committee members from last year
involved in the preparation of these documents continue to work with them
until accepted by the faculty.
MUSC/USC College/School of Pharmacy Discussion
Kristi Lenz from the College of Pharmacy provided an update on the
discussions taking place between MUSC and USC regarding the proposed merger
of the two pharmacy programs. The boards of trustees from both universities
will review proposals during their December meetings. The initial step
in the process is expected to be a request to both boards to approve the
recruitment of a single dean to replace the deans at both schools who are
scheduled for retirement in the coming year. More information will be available
following these meetings. The senate will continue to monitor the
discussions and keep faculty informed.
MUSC Strategic Plan
Chessman reported that the revised strategic plan would be presented
to the board of trustees during its December meeting. Due to a short timeframe,
only the executive committee of the senate had an opportunity to respond
to the plan. Recommendations from members of the executive committee included
inclusion of plans for faculty development and strengthening the wording
of the objective related to tenure.
Tenure Discussion Group
Chessman reported that the tenure discussion group is continuing to
meet. This group is composed of faculty from all colleges (Senate Executive
Committee 2002-03) and representatives from administration, including two
deans, one department chair, and Tom Higerd. John Raymond charged this
group with the task of developing a policy on tenure, including not only
ways in which the university will support a tenured faculty member but
also the responsibilities of the tenured faculty member to in-turn continue
to support the mission of the university.
News from Deans’ and President’s Council Meetings
A new Sleep Disorder Center was approved by both councils and will
go to the board for final approval. The deans’ council has approved
a request by the College of Health Professions to change the masters in
physical therapy to a doctor of physical therapy (DPT) program. This
will keep MUSC competitive with other schools who have already made this
Another tuition increase is being considered due to cuts in state funding.
If an increase is necessary, the specific percentage increase will be announced
in February.
Joint Commission Visit
The Joint Commission visit was successful. MUSC received a score
of 95.
Tenure Workshop
Anne Kilpatrick reminded the faculty of the Tenure Workshop scheduled
for Dec. 15. The workshop will be held in the Gazes auditorium of the
Strom Thurmond Building. The workshop is open to all faculty; RSVP to Melissa
Town Hall Meeting
Chessman reminded the faculty of Raymond’s Town Hall Meeting scheduled
for Dec. 10.
Videotape of Faculty Meeting
The faculty meeting held Dec. 1 was videotaped. The purpose of this
meeting was to discuss ratification of the senate constitution and to provide
an opportunity for faculty to hear Philip Sprinkle, legal consultant to
the senate. Mary Mauldin, secretary to the senate, will have a copy of
the videotape for those interested.
The next senate meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m., Jan. 6, in room 107
of the Administration/Library Building. The agenda will be posted on the
faculty senate’s Web site prior to the meeting.
Submitted by Mary Mauldin, secretary to the faculty senate
Senators present
Basic Sciences: Debra Hazan-Martin (executive committee), Eberhard
Voit (executive committee), Maurizio Del Poeta (alternate), Lucille London
(alternate). Excused: Robert Ogilvie, Sally Self.
Clinical Sciences: Christopher Frueh, Paul Gold (executive committee),
Rochelle Hanson, George M. Johnson, Dana King, Arch Mainous, Shailesh Patel,
John Osguthorpe, Alberto Santos, Aljoeson Walker, Andrew Gelasco
(alternate), Walter Limehouse (alternate), Swapan Ray (alternate), Kenneth
Vanek (alternate). Excused: Susan Ackerman, Michael Frye.
Dental Medicine: Rick Albenesius (executive committee), Peter
Kobes, Michele Ravenel, Luis Leite (alternate). Excused: Carlos Salinas.
Health Professions: Libby Dismuke (executive committee), Jennifer Horner,
Anne Kilpatrick.
Library Science & Informatics: Mary Mauldin (executive committee),
Nancy McKeehan, Peggy Schachte, Tom Smith (alternate). Excused: Geoff Freeman.
Nursing: Elaine Amella, Liz Erkel, Tara Hulsey (executive committee),
Teresa Kelechi (alternate), John Welton (alternate). Excused: Julia Ball.
Pharmacy: Kathy Chessman (executive committee), Sandra Garner
(executive committee), Kristi Lenz, Kelly Ragucci (alternate).
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