National Nutrition Month to focus on eating habitsby Malia Batzel and Erin RayfieldDietetic Interns March is the month to celebrate National Nutrition Month, a campaign to focus attention on the importance of making informed food choices and developing sound eating and physical activity habits. Initiated in March 1973 as a week-long event, “National Nutrition Week”
became a month-long observance in 1980 in response to growing public interest
For 2003 ADA’s National Nutrition Month slogan, “Healthy Eating, Healthy
When seeking nutrition information, it is important that you know the difference between a nutritionist and a registered dietitian. People can call themselves a nutritionists, but a registered dietitian has successfully completed a college, and/or advanced degree in nutrition and passed a national exam. The MUSC registered dietitians and dietetic interns will be promoting nutrition education through various activities during March. Look for the “green light” menu specials in the cafeteria. These “green-light” specials will give you the “go” on making wiser food selections. A Mediterranean Diet special will also be featured each week in the MUSC Cafeteria. More information will be provided about this diet that has been shown to decrease risk for heart disease, stroke, and cancer. Catalyst Online is published weekly, updated as
needed and improved from time to time by the MUSC Office of Public Relations
for the faculty, employees and students of the Medical University of South
Carolina. Catalyst Online editor, Kim Draughn, can be reached at 792-4107
or by email, Editorial copy can be submitted to Catalyst
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