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Currently a number of training and communication vehicles are being used
to help with our preparation for the Joint Commission on Healthcare Organizations
survey expected in November. The survey serves to verify to the public
that we provide high quality care and services. JCAHO accreditation enables
the Medical Center’s eligibility for Medicare reimbursement.
It is important that all employees including contract workers understand
the JCAHO standards that apply to their jobs. I ask that everyone take
advantage of the information being made available to enhance his or her
knowledge. Outlined below is a listing of some of the material being
made available. Anyone who has questions should contact his or her
manger or Terri Ellis, JCAHO Coordinator at 792-5106 or e-mail
Thank you very much.
W. Stuart Smith
Vice President for Clinical Operations
Executive Director, MUSC Medical Center
STAR Productions presents ‘Who Wants to Be a JCAHO
As promised, Lois Kerr, Accredited Programs, was back during the July 22
communications meeting to test managers on JCAHO standards concerning pain
management and assessment. In the hot seat this time sat Ellen Ruja, Emergency
Department manager.
When Ruja was called to help with a DHEC inspection, Sharon DeGrace,
Cardiothoracic ICU, enthu-siastically took her place.
Together, the two answered all of the questions correctly, with the
help of the audience and the 50/50 options. Both managers will receive
stars for their office doors and movie tickets for participating. Kerr
will continue the JCAHO quizzing once a month through November, when the
Joint Commission will survey MUSC.
Ongoing JCAHO Communication
All employees are encouraged to take full advantage of training material
to become familiar with the JCAHO standards. Examples of this information
The Medical Center Intranet web site contains a wide array of JCAHO educational
material and the JCAHO manual.
Weekly JCAHO present-ations are made at the Communication meetings for
managers and highlights published in the Currents newsletter.
MUSC Star Guide to Survey Readiness distributed to managers to share with
“Who Wants to be a Millionaire” Communication meeting presentations distributed
to directors through weekly e-mail to share with staff.
A new “Star Message of the Week” to highlight JCAHO topics distributed
to directors through weekly e-mail for posting.
An updated JCAHO staff handbook for all employees and residents will soon
be issued.
Unit rounds to include “JCAHO Preparation Rounds” checklists and discussions
are being routinely conducted.
The Medical Center Intranet web site includes an updated “Godzilla Checklists”
for clinical staff.
Posters and educational material focusing on patient safety and other topics
are located at various locations throughout the Medical Center
Chris Murray, Medical Center Business Development and Marketing Services
director, introduced Peggy Small, incoming president, of Lowcountry chapter
of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. Small presented outgoing president,
Mark Ruppel, Medical Center Business Development and Marketing Services
manager, with a plaque honoring his work as president for the past two
Dave Neff, Ambulatory Care Services administrator, announced that plans
are underway to relocate some of our clinics at McClennan-Banks to the
Rutledge Tower and other locations on campus in support of the effort to
build a new replacement hospital. These relocations will require that more
patient parking be made available at the Rutledge Tower Parking Deck. A
parking assignment plan is being developed by Parking Management that will
be reviewed and approved by the MUSC leadership, the Hospital Authority
and UMA/Ambulatory Care. This planning effort will require that we verify
the work and/or office locations of employees and faculty that are parking
in the Rutledge Tower Parking Deck. It is important that this verification
process be supported by all concerned. Once the plan is finalized, this
information will be formally communicated to employees.