Committee members update faculty senateThe faculty senate’s December meeting minutes were approved and posted on the senate’s Web site at Reports
This process is to be included as an article within the constitution and outlined as a procedure within the by-laws. Amella stated that the amended by-laws including the new committee structures would be ready for review prior to the next faculty senate meeting. The senate will vote on the proposed constitution and by-laws during the February meeting. All faculty will have an opportunity to review and vote on these documents during the planned general faculty meeting in March.
Strategic Planning Committee—Geoff Freeman reported that the committee should have a draft of the senate’s mission statement for review by the senate during the February meeting. Committee on Faculty and Institutional Relationships—Anne Kilpatrick reported on the tenure/mentoring workshop held in December. More than 65 faculty members attended throughout the day, and faculty had the opportunity to hear from Ray Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., John Raymond, M.D., as well as deans and tenured faculty. Faculty members also had time to review their portfolios with tenured faculty. Kilpatrick thanked the administrators and faculty who participated in the workshop.
College of Pharmacy—As steps are taken to merge the Colleges of Pharmacy at MUSC and USC, the boards of trustees of both universities approved the hiring of one dean. A consultant group will be formed to study and make recommendations regarding the location of the College of Pharmacy (MUSC or USC), and recruitment for the dean is planned to being in Spring 2004. The faculty senate will follow the progress of this process and may consider drafting a letter regarding the proposals as they become available. Tenure Discussion Group—The tenure discussion group last met on Dec. 2. The group is discussing issues related to a tenured faculty member’s salary as well as the tenured faculty member’s responsibilities to the university. Senators were asked to send their comments on either of these issues to Chessman. Academic Affairs Newsletter—Raymond sent the first Academic Affairs Newsletter to all faculty via e-mail. The newsletter is designed to showcase faculty members and to keep faculty informed. Raymond hopes to send the newsletter at least once a month and has invited the senate to be a regular contributor. The committee on communication and education was asked to ensure articles were submitted on a regular basis. Status of Policies
Faculty Conduct Policy—This policy is currently in place in the College of Medicine and discussions are taking place to determine if it should be implemented across the university. The faculty senate’s committee on faculty and institutional relationships has been asked to review this policy for comment and recommendations Meetings with Raymond
News from President’s Council meetings
Smoking On Campus—A committee is studying the issue of smoking on campus (by visitors and employees). The committee has made a recommendation to construct smoking pavilions throughout the campus. A pilot pavilion is located on the corner of Sabin Street and Ashley Avenue. A decision has not been made as to whether or not additional pavilions will be constructed. Electronic Patient Medical Record—A need has been identified for a unified patient record system. Frank Clark, Ph.D., chief information officer, has written a request for proposal (RFP) for such a system. News from Deans’ Council Meetings
Classroom Scheduling and Food Policies—The Office of Enrollment Services has been asked to examine classroom usage and food policies when determining schedules. Attendance at meetings may be impacted by classroom food policies. Library—Due to significant budget cuts, tuition and technology fee allocations will be reorganized to provide additional support to the library. Parking Committee
The next senate meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m., Feb. 3, in room 107 of the Library/Administration Building. The agenda will be posted on the faculty senate’s Web site prior to the meeting. Senators present
Submitted by Mary Mauldin, secretary to the faculty senate
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