Fellowship in health services research fundedMUSC's Center for Health Care Research and the Department of Biometry and Epidemiology have received $1,196,216 for five years of funding for a fellowship in health services research.This fellowship, which will support four new fellows per year for two years, is a National Research Service Award funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, which is a branch of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and administered by the Office of Extramural Research, Education, and Priority Populations. The post-doctoral fellowship program provides opportunities for physicians, nurses and pharmacists who are eligible to develop health services research skills. Research content areas include: immunization delivery, racial/ethnic disparity in health care, access to care, pharmacoeconomics, psychiatric health services research and childhood health services research. The fellowship is led by Paul Darden, M.D., program director. The mission is threefold: (1) conduct health services research in an applied research setting, (2) stimulate improvement in the health care system's responsiveness to diverse groups of patients—including minority, poor and other underserved patients—both as direct providers and as health service researchers, and (3) serve as role models and mentors in health services research. During a full-time fellowship, physicians, pharmacists and nurses receive instruction and practical experience in health services research and other professional skills necessary for success in academic medicine. The fellows complete the Master of Science in Clinical Research in the Department of Biometry and Epidemiology, which offers intensive training in biostatistics, epidemiology, decision analysis, outcome management and quality intervention. Additionally, each fellow is expected to conduct an original research project as well as grant applications. Other requirements are the fellowship seminar series, participation in a bi-weekly journal club, and learning statistical software during the first year in the research and professional development components. The trainees are matched with research mentors from the diverse MUSC faculty. The program benefits from collaboration with other ongoing fellowship programs at MUSC. The programs include the Academic Generalist Fellowship, the HRSA-funded Academic Units in Primary Care Program (a collaboration among the departments of Family Medicine, General Pediatrics and General Internal Medicine), and the Pharmacy Research Outcomes Program. The fellowship application deadline is Nov. 30 of the year prior to July entry. For further information, contact Anne Ross at Rossas@musc.edu. For an application and information, visit http://www.musc.edu/chcr. Friday, Oct. 1, 2004