Medical University faculty appointments announcedMonica Gooz, instructor on the academic investigator track, Medicine; Brenda B. Toohey, clinical instructor, Surgery; Jeremy M. Ringewald, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Pediatrics; Michelle S. Rovner, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine; Emmie E. Steadman, clinical instructor, Surgery; Lee A. Erbe, clinical instructor, Surgery; Martin Brodsky, clinical instructor, Rehabilitation Sciences; Frank A. Axson, clinical instructor, Clinical Services; Leigh Anne Pickup, clinical instructor, Clinical Services; James R. Tucker, adjunct assistant professor, Health Professions; Lloyd A. (Chip) Taylor, assistant professor, Clinical Services; Vincent R. Dammai, research instructor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Jeremy B. Soule, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Medicine; Abhay K. Varma, instructor on the clinician educator track, Neurological Surgery; Camelia Marculescu, instructor on the academic clinician track, Medicine; Elizabeth S. Pitt, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine; Jaemyung Kim, research associate, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Epidemiology; Anne M. Hauet, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Medicine; Nancy J. Finch, assistant professor to clinical assistant professor, Nursing; Barbara J. Jamison, assistant professor to adjunct assistant professor, Nursing; Jeffrey S. McCullough, assistant professor, Health Adminstration and Policy; Cassandra Salgado, assistant professor on the academic clinician track, Medicine; H. Biemann Othersen, clinical assistant professor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Rupalben H. Trivedi, research assistant professor, Ophthalmology; Hallie A. Lightdale, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences; Julie A. McTavish, clinical instructor, Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; Christie L. Janssens, instructor, Clinical Services; Shahid Husain, research assistant professor to assistant professor on the academic investigator track, Ophthalmology; Michelle M. Montalbano, instructor on the clinician educator track, Medicine; Sergei Novgorodov, research assistant professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Cungui Mao, assistant professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Xing Liu, research assistant professor, Microbiology and Immunology; John H. Robinson, assistant professor on the clinician educator track, Surgery; Sergey Znoyko, research instructor, Medicine; Dieter Haemmerich, assistant professor on the academic investigator track, Pediatrics; David A. Schofield, visiting assistant professor to adjunct assistant professor, Microbiology and Immunology; Erika T. Brown, assistant professor on the academic investigator track, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Mary P. Canton, clinical instructor, Family Medicine; David T. Marshall, assistant professor on the clinicians educator track, Radiation Oncology; Alison Erway-Brewer, assistant professor, Clinical Services.Friday, Oct. 1, 2004