Pastoral Care Week Oct. 24 - 30The peace that comes with appreciation of diversityThe following is the first in a series of five articles written by MUSC staff chaplains on this year's theme—Imagining Peace. The focus will be on imagining peace in the workplace, family, globally, and the Chaplain Terry Wilson
In some ways MUSC is like a hotel, with its 596 licensed beds. And as in the song, many “check in” and “check out” as patients or swipe in and swipe out as employees. The song goes, “And I was thinking to myself, ’this could be heaven or this could be hell.’” We all spend a large portion of our lives here at Hotel MUSC. Is it heaven or is it hell? It is what we make it. The MUSC community is large in number and diverse in makeup. The diversity of our community provides strength and resilience on the changing horizon of health care. We live in the Charleston area, which is a place steeped in history and traditions. The MUSC community is like a quilt made up of living squares representing people who bring to MUSC their history, traditions and religious practices. This diversity brings with it the gifts of global wisdom, sensitivity and awareness. There is a wonderful spirit of tolerance at MUSC. As a chaplain, I witness this on a daily basis in our 4th- floor hospital chapel. Staff members, patients and their families gather to worship on a daily basis. Those who enter the chapel represent all the major faith traditions of the world. Sometimes there are worshippers of different religions offering prayers at the same time in our chapel. There is a great spirit of tolerance by those who gather for worship. I call upon us all to continue and further this spirit of tolerance, thus creating a place that is continuingly respectful and appreciative of diversity. Regardless of what the Eagles were trying to say, let us sing together, “Welcome to the Hotel MUSC, such a lovely place, such a lovely place.” When we are sensitive to the traditions and cultural values of one another, there falls upon us a spirit of tolerance. This is the kind of place I want to spend a large portion of my life. The song reminds us, “it could be heaven or it could be hell.” Let us all work together to bring about a place of peace and tolerance. Friday, Oct. 1, 2004