senate to change meeting date
The faculty senate’s October meeting minutes are approved and posted on
the senate’s Web site at http://www.musc.edu/facsen.
Old Business
Response to issues raised in national and local debates
A response to issues raised in national and local debates was written
by an ad hoc committee of the senate. The senate voted to move the statement
forward to MUSC’s Legal Counsel and Office of Public Relations. Based on
suggestions from the Legal Counsel to MUSC, the executive committee revised
the statement and Kathy Chessman, Pharm.D., chair, presented the revised
statement to the senate.
After discussion regarding the consistency between this statement and
the senate’s statement regarding diversity in the faculty handbook, the
senate approved the revised version. The statement will be sent to Raymond
Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., John Raymond, M.D., and the chair of the Board
of Trustees as information.
The statement will be sent to newspapers for publication including The
Catalyst, The Post and Courier, and other newspapers throughout the state.
The statement will also be sent to Sen. Jim DeMint and Inez Tenenbaum.
A suggestion was made to forward this statement to the committee of chairs
(a statewide group composed of the chairs of colleges’ and universities’
faculty senates) as well to individual college and university faculty senates.
New Business
Executive Committee Meeting
The first meeting of the new executive committee was held Oct. 29.
The executive committee members are Kathy Chessman, chair; Rick Albenesius,
vice chair; Mary Mauldin, secretary; Libby Dismuke, College of Health Professions;
Paul Gold, College of Medicine, Clinical Sciences; Lucille London, College
of Medicine, Basic Sciences; Kelly Ragucci, Pharmacy; Peggy Schachte,
Library/General Faculty; and Harmeet Walia, Dental Medicine.
Chessman reported that the executive committee will begin work on a
budget for the year to include costs for honorariums, as needed and
refreshments for monthly and quarterly meetings.
Members of the executive committee will serve as chairs of the senate’s
Governance Committee—co-chairs, Lucille
London and Kelly Ragucci. This committee’s charge includes review and revisions
to the faculty handbook, guide the annual election, and conduct officer
Institutional Advancement—chair, Libby
Dismuke. This committee will address faculty development inclusion in the
MUSC Strategic Plan.
Faculty and Institutional Relationships Committee—chair,
Marilyn King. The charge of this committee is to study: the evaluation
process for deans/chairs; and the use of PACE throughout the university.
Communications Committee—chair, Harmeet
Walia. This committee will plan quarterly faculty meetings and increase
communication from the senators to the faculty.
Faculty Senate Strategic Planning—chair,
Rick Albenesius. This ad hoc committee will develop three to five year
goals for the senate and next year’s strategic priorities. All senators
will participate as a member of one of these committees.
Faculty Development Opportunities
Update on senate sponsored research workshop
Libby Dismuke, Ph.D., College of Health Professions, said plans are
underway for development of this workshop. The College of Health Professions
will provide staff to help organize and collaborate with the senate. Dismuke
asked that a senate ad hoc committee be formed to help organize the workshop.
This workshop is tentatively scheduled for fall 2005.
Tenure Workshop
Based on comments from a number of senators, tenure workshops are of
interest to faculty. Previous workshops on tenure have included speakers
and opportunities for non-tenured faculty to present their portfolios to
tenured faculty for review. The possibility of providing a tenure
workshop in spring 2005 will be reviewed.
Orientation for New Faculty
An ad hoc committee was formed to study the issue of orientation for
new faculty. Headed by Peggy Schachte, this group will work with
the administration to support the development of an orientation designed
to provide critical information for new faculty related to teaching, research,
promotion, tenure, etc.
Change in day of senate meetings
The faculty senate currently meets the first Tuesday of each month.
This day frequently follows a holiday. As a result, the senate voted to
move the meetings to the second Tuesday in the month, beginning in January.
Constitution and Bylaws—The deans’ council
approved the changes to the constitution and bylaws. These documents
are now being reviewed by the auditor.
College of Pharmacy Merger—Chessman reported
that candidates are being reviewed for the dean of the proposed merger
between USC’s and MUSC’s College of Pharmacy. Several committees
have been formed with members from both colleges. The committees
are curriculum, research, and admissions. No meetings have been held to
Search for IT Director, Academic and Research
Systems—Chessman reported that the search committee is reviewing
comments from committee members regarding applicants.
The next senate meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m. Dec. 7, in Gazes Auditorium.
The agenda will be posted on the faculty senate’s Web site prior to the
Submitted by Mary Mauldin, secretary to the faculty senate
Senators present
Basic Sciences: Janice Lage, Daynna Wolff. Excused: Kathy Laber-Laird
Clinical Sciences: Courtney Brady, Dorothea Eicher, Paul Gold
(executive committee), Rochelle Hanson, George Johnson, Dan Smith, Walter
Limehouse (alternate), Swapan Ray (alternate). Excused: Aljoeson
Walker, Ken Vaneck (alternate)
Dental Medicine: Michele Ravenel, Harmeet Walia (executive committee).
Excused: Rick Albenesius
Health Professions: Libby Dismuke (executive committee), Anne
Kilpatrick, Lloyd Taylor
Library Science & Informatics: Laura Cousineau, Jett McCann,
Mary Mauldin (executive committee), Peggy Schachte (executive committee),
Geoff Freeman (alternate). Excused: Tom Smith (alternate)
Nursing: Elaine Amella, Barbara Edlund, Teresa Kelechi, Marilyn
King (executive committee)
Pharmacy: Kathy Chessman (executive committee), Sandra Garner,
Patrick Mauldin, Kelly Ragucci (executive committee).
Friday, Nov. 19, 2004
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