Employees need to be aware of annual, sick leave balancesCurrent leave records indicate that many classified and eligible research grant employees will exceed the authorized maximum accrued annual leave accumulation on Dec. 31 unless leave is used by the end of the year.In accordance with state regulations, annual leave balances for classified and eligible research grant employees will be automatically reduced to 360 hours (45 days) effective Jan. 1. This is the authorized maximum accrued annual leave accumulation that may be carried over into a new calendar year. Employees who believe they will exceed the authorized maximum will need to work with their supervisors to schedule leave during the remaining months. Annual leave taken by monthly-paid employees during the month of December should be reported on the monthly time summary, which is due in the Payroll Department on Dec. 16. Annual leave taken by biweekly employees through Dec. 25 will be deducted from leave balances prior to the cutback. Annual leave taken during the end of December may require departments
to submit Request for Correction of Leave Record forms to appropriately
Supervisors and employees are encouraged to monitor annual leave balances throughout the entire calendar year to avoid end-of-the-year requests, which may be difficult to accommodate. For information, call 792-2683. Friday, Nov. 5, 2004