HIS manager honored for work in medical codingChristine Lewis, manager, Health Information Services (HIS), was recognized by the South Carolina Health Information Management Association (SCHIMA) for her outstanding efforts in the field of medical record coding.Lewis received a plaque recognizing her as “Founder of the Coding Roundtable in South Carolina.” Coding leaders and staff from around the state meet at least twice yearly to discuss the latest issues in medical record coding and compliance, and various educational programs are presented. She has been a speaker on numerous occasions. In 1996, Lewis received the Distinguished Member for Outstanding Contributions to the HIM Profession award from SCHIMA. Under her leadership, MUHA has received some of the best coding review scores according to our OIG auditors. Last month, MUSC was recognized as a “top performer” by HSS, a national company dealing in coding, regulatory and reimbursement processes. Using the recently released 2003 Medicare Provider Analysis and Review information, MUSC was rated in the top 50 for major teaching facilities in the country. Lewis has served on national as well as state AHIMA committees and is recognized nationally as a leader in the coding profession. She has been employed at MUSC for 16 years. “Christine Lewis is an asset to the department, as well as to MUSC as
a whole. She has been instrumental in the rollout of the online chart completion
process and diligently monitors adherence to regulations,” said Sue Pletcher,
director, HIS and Patient Access Services.
Friday, Dec. 3, 2004