Nominations being accepted for HSF Developing Scholars AwardNominations are now being accepted for the Health Sciences Foundation Developing Scholars Award.The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward junior faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to the research mission of MUSC and to promote the continued development of these creative scholars. The award is aimed at individuals who have successfully demonstrated the capacity to compete for extramural funding but who are still in the formative stages of their career and demonstrate exceptional promise for the future. Candidates are restricted to faculty members holding the rank of Assistant Professor who have been on the MUSC faculty at least two, but no more than six, academic years. Faculty members who have previously received this award are ineligible for re-nomination. Any member of the MUSC faculty may make nominations. The nominating package should include the full curriculum vitae of the nominee, letters from scholars outside MUSC attesting to the research achievements of the nominee, and a statement from the nominator (not to exceed 1000 words) outlining the candidate’s background and potential for continued growth and development. All nominations should be sent to John Raymond, M.D., vice president for academic affairs and provost, 200-H Administration Building. The deadline for nominations is May 7. No more than three Health Sciences Foundation Scholars are named each year. Scholars may be named in the basic or applied/clinical sciences category. Each fellow shall receive, along with a certificate, a monetary reward of $3,000 to be used at the discretion of the awardees. During the fellowship year, each fellow shall present an open seminar on the nature of her/his work. For information regarding the 2004 HSF Developing Scholars Award, call
the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at 792-3031.
Friday, April 16, 2004