Senate updates faculty on mission, electionThe faculty senate’s May meeting minutes were approved and posted on the senate’s Web site at Reports
Governance Committee—The governance committee continues to work on the election process scheduled for August/September. Former chair Elaine Amella asked senators to encourage fellow faculty members to consider running for the senate. The committee is also focusing its efforts on reconciling the existing handbook with the working draft of the faculty handbook. Committee on Communication and Education—The committee on communication and education planned a faculty town hall meeting for June 3. Speakers will be Ray Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., and John Raymond, M.D. Greenberg will address the fiscal status of the university, provide an update on building projects, and discuss current and proposed mergers within and outside of the university. Raymond will discuss the faculty contract process, support for distance education efforts, and current issues from his office. Greenberg and Raymond will be available for questions following their presentations. Committee on Faculty and Institutional Affairs—Paul Gold, committee chair, reported that the committee is exploring strategies for faculty development. Gold suggested several pertinent, current topics including emerging and changing skills of faculty, training and supporting faculty in the teaching of chronic care, supporting and encouraging women in research, conducting research in community settings, seeking research funding through foundations and corporations, and recognition for achievements in team/collaborative efforts. Kathy Chessman, Pharm.D., requested volunteers from the senate work with this committee during the summer, explore the issues, and provide a written document with recommendations for faculty development. The document will be presented to the senate and forwarded to the administration. Presentation on YES Campaign—Jenny Clifton from the Office of Development encouraged faculty to support the YES Campaign. Clifton emphasized the fact that corporations and foundations that consider providing financial support to the university and/or research efforts frequently ask about the percentage of faculty that participates in giving. This year’s goal of the YES Campaign is $300,000. Chair’s Report—Kathy Chessman
Budget Issues—There will be a state-mandated 3 percent salary increase for classified and unclassified employees. This raise was mandated but not funded. In addition, a 20 percent cut in travel and phone use has been requested. While this represents a cut in funding, it is less than what MUSC had anticipated for the coming year. Request from Public Relations—In order to ensure that faculty have a successful and productive experience with the media, the Office of Public Relations asked that all requests for communication with the media go through its office. Merger of MUSC and USC Colleges of Pharmacy—A group from USC’s College of Pharmacy, primarily students, has protested the merger. A number of attempts have been made to introduce bills in the S.C. state senate that would block or delay the merger. These have not been successful and the search for a new dean continues. Fund-raising Efforts—Fund-raising efforts are up 20 percent from this time last year. The College of Pharmacy and the Hollings Cancer Center recently received generous gifts. Announcements
Senators present
Submitted by Mary Mauldin, Secretary to the Faculty Senate Friday, June 18, 2004