Gun locks distributed in support of Project Child SafeProject Child Safe is a nationwide program dedicated to promoting safe firearm handling and storage practices among all firearm owners through the distribution of key safety education messages and free gun locking devices. The program is supported by a U.S. Department of Justice grant, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and is a component of Project Safe Neighborhoods.Firearm accidents in the home can result from an (unauthorized) individual, often a child, finding a loaded and unsecured firearm in the home. The risk of firearm-related unintentional injuries or deaths can be reduced when firearm owners are aware of and fully understand their responsibility for handling firearms safely and storing them in a secure manner. Project Child Safe partners with governors, attorneys, community leaders, and law enforcement to distribute free safety kits to gun owners in all states to promote safe storage of firearms in the home. MUSC Department of Public Safety has received 5,000 gun locks for distribution
to the general public through this program. Stop by Public Safety at 101
Doughty St. and pick up your locks. You may receive up to three locks per
person. If more are needed, leave your name and number in the event extras
are available.
Friday, June 4, 2004