Dental scholarship fund to honor retiring deanThe College of Dental Medicine established a new scholarship fund in honor of Dean Richard DeChamplain, DMD, who retired from the college on June 30.During the June 25 reception, President Emeritus Dr. James B. Edwards, from left, join retiring Dean Dr. Richard W. DeChamplain, College of Dental Medicine business director Joseph Thompson, and College of Dental Medicine Dean of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Tariq Javed. The new fund was announced during a farewell reception for DeChamplain on Friday, June 25. The DeChamplain Annual Scholarship will provide a $1,000 annual scholarship to an outstanding junior level student in oral surgery. The scholarship was established in honor of DeChamplain by an initial gift from alumnus Harold Hirsch and his wife, Felice, and is being endowed through additional gifts from alumni, friends and former residents. To make a gift in honor of DeChamplain, make payable to and mail to Health Sciences Foundation of MUSC, 18 Bee Street, P.O. Box 250450, Charleston, S.C. 29425, or contact the college’s development director Stephanie D. Oberempt at 792-6933, Employees can also make contributions by payroll deduction through the YES Campaign by visiting The Catalyst online at for a printable version of a pledge form. Friday, July 9, 2004