Information technology program plannedThey tried, but presenters of the orientation program for new faculty initiated last year by the Office of the Provost, couldn’t fit all the information into one easy-to-manage day.Faculty new to MUSC need to know about information technology at MUSC, and how those resources have changed the way instruction is delivered to students. So instead of packaging it with its welcome to new faculty, the orientation planning committee decided information technology resources would be better addressed in a separate program to include both new and current faculty. At the direction of the Office of the Provost, Mary Mauldin, an expert in web-based instruction, Geoff Freeman, director of distance education, and Jim Menzel, director of student enrollment, are planning a program aimed at orienting current and new faculty to information technology resources available within the university. They met in June to develop Project ASSIST (Academic Support Services Information Session for Teaching). Project ASSIST will consist of a one-hour session to be offered at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 8, in room 202 of the Basic Science Building. The session will be repeated in the spring. Presentations by Mauldin, Freeman and Menzel will show faculty how to make better use of information technology resources, such as the web, interactive two-way compressed video, and electronic transmission of academic information both to students and about students. Project ASSIST posters will begin appearing around campus in August to remind faculty of this opportunity. |