Employees encouraged to participate in school initiativeMUSC supports the First Day of School Initiative recently reported in the Post and Courier.The initiative encourages parents to take their children to school on the first day as a way of supporting their children and connecting with their children’s teachers. MUSC (University, Medical Center, UMA and other MUSC entities) managers and supervisors are strongly encouraged to allow their employees to use up to two hours of annual leave/PTO, accrued compensatory time or adjust work schedules to be with their children on the first day of school. It is understood that scheduling for patient care cannot be compromised and that leave may not be reasonable for some direct care providers. In any event, managers and supervisors are asked, when practical, to encourage employees to join in on the First Day of School Initiative. The First Day of School Initiative formally applies to Aug. 9 for Charleston
County schools. However, MUSC extends the support for this initiative for
the beginning date(s) of public schools in the surrounding counties and
for private schools.
Friday, Aug. 6, 2004