Meet...ChrisName: Chris George.Department: UMA Information Systems. How long at MUSC: 1 year. City you were born: Boston, Mass. Family: Wife, Stephanie; sons, Nikolas, 3, Brandon, 1; dogs, Pugsly and Rollie. Favorite room in your house: The kitchen. Ingredient you must have in your refrigerator: Parmesan reggiano. Special place in the world: Sorrento, Italy. Fondest childhood memory: Attending the FIFA World Cup. What do you do in your free time: Spend time with my wife and play soccer with Nikolas and Brandon. Your idea of a perfect vacation: Spending a week in Greece. If you could trade places with someone for a day: I’d like to be president for a day. Most rewarding thing about your job: Challenges. Personality trait you admire in others: Perseverance. If you suddenly had a free day, what would you do: Play golf. Historical event you would have like to have witnessed: Fall of Rome. Words of advice: You + Motivation = Success. Friday, Sept. 3, 2004