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MUSC faculty senate meeting minutes
The faculty senate’s meeting minutes for September are posted on the
senate’s Web site at
Old Business
Committee Updates
- Governance Committee—The new online voting system was used
for the senate election held during September. The system worked
well; however, there are still senate slots that need to be filled.
Kelly Ragucci, Pharm.D., committee chair, asked senators to
encourage faculty in their respective colleges to volunteer for service.
- Communication and Education Committee—Mary Mauldin reported
that a page was published on the senate Web site as a means of
orientation for new senators. All senators were encouraged to
volunteer to serve on one of the four senate committees.
New Business
- Year End Report—Kathy Chessman, Pharm.D., provided a
year end report, since this is the last meeting for the 2004-2005
senate term. Major areas of work by the senate were highlighted,
including revisions to the faculty handbook, town hall meetings
throughout the year, orientation for new faculty, and the review
numerous policies. The Powerpoint file of Chessman’s presentation is
available on the senate Web site.
- John Osguthorpe, M.D., will replace Leonie Gordon, M.D., as
one of four senate representatives on the university tenure committee.
The terms of the other three representatives (Kit Simpson, Flo
Hutchinson, and Anne Kilpatrick expire in June 2006.)
- Al Santos, M.D., was appointed by the faculty senate
executive committee to fill one of the vacancies for the COM-Clinical
- Wording in the faculty handbook was changed to reflect the
change in benefits to 50 percent FTEs approved at the October MUSC
board meeting.
- Cosponsored Faculty Senate/Apple Tree Society Town Hall
meeting, 4 to 6 p.m., Nov. 21. Topics: Collaboration between
universities (John Raymond), Classrooms Update (Geoff Freeman), and
Simulations (TBA).
New Officer Election
The senate elected new officers for the 2005-2006 term:
- Rick Albenesius, DDS, chair; Anne Kilpatrick, DPA, vice
chair; Mary Mauldin, Ed.D., secretary.
- Paul Gold, Ph.D., asked that faculty serving as alternates
during the past year be recognized for the work they contributed to the
senate. Gold stated that several alternates attended the majority
of senate meetings and actively participated on committees.
- Barbara Edlund, Ph.D., R.N., asked that Chessman be
recognized for her work as chair of the senate during the past two
years. Albenesius presented a gift to Chessman on behalf of the senate
for her two years of service.
Grants and Contracts Accounting
Open Forum
Velma Stamp from the Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting held an
open forum with the senate. Stamp reported that the goals of the office
are to become more faculty friendly and to improve consumer service.
The Office of Grants and Contracts Accounting has taken numerous steps
to reach these goals including the co-location of offices, grant
administrators meeting with principle investigators (PIs) to inform
them of their services, and encouraging grant administrators to have
more face-to-face time with PIs rather than phone conversations.
Although these efforts, along with others, have helped with consumer
service, the office was interested in hearing ideas/concerns from the
senate. A question and answer session followed, and senators were
encouraged to review the Web site (,
and complete the customer survey available via the Web.
The next senate meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m. Nov. 8 in Gazes
Auditorium. The agenda will be posted on the faculty senate’s Web site
prior to the meeting.
Submitted by Mary Mauldin,
Secretary to the Faculty Senate
Basic Science:
Debra Callahan, Kimberly Collins, Hiroko Hama, Kathy Laber-Laird
Clinical Sciences:
Paul Gold (executive committee), George Johnson, Walter Limehouse,
Swapan Ray, Sakamuri Reddy, Al Santos, Kenneth Vanek, Aljoeson Walker,
Mitchell Weinstein. Excused: Susan Ackerman, Hilary Bernstein, Joe
Johns, Rita Young
Dental Medicine:
Rick Albenesius (executive committee), Ted McGill, Michele Ravenel
Health Professions:
Anne Kilpatrick, Lloyd Taylor. Excused: Libby Dismuke
Library Science and
Informatics: Laura Cousineau, Mary Mauldin (executive
committee), Jett McCann, Geoff Freeman (alternate). Excused:
Peggy Schachte (executive committee)
Nursing: Elaine
Amella, Barbara Edlund, Teresa Kelechi, Sharon Bond (alternate), Nancy
Duffy (alternate)
Pharmacy: Kathy
Chessman (executive committee), Patrick Mauldin, Jean Nappi, Kelly
Ragucci (executive committee), Andrea Wessell.
Friday,Nov. 4, 2005
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