Drug-free workplace policy to be reviewedThe faculty senate’s January meeting minutes were approved and posted on the senate’s Web site at http://www.musc.edu/facsen.Old Business Requiring Discussion
Proposal for Standardization of the Quarterly Faculty Senate-sponsored Meetings—Harmeet Walia, DDS, chair of the communications committee, reported on the committee’s discussion regarding whether or not to pursue sponsoring quarterly meetings for all faculty. These meetings have not been well-attended in the past. Following a discussion among senators, it was decided to sponsor two faculty meetings with invited speakers, support the orientation for new faculty as the third meeting, and support Faculty Convocation as the fourth faculty meeting. A suggestion was made that the two meetings scheduled with invited speakers provide greater opportunities for discussion. As a result, the communications committee will develop a format for these meetings to encourage discussion. Change to Faculty Handbook—Kathy Chessman, Pharm.D., chair of faculty senate, reported that Human Resources changed the policy on qualifications for benefits. Employees who work 50 percent (rather than the previous 75 percent) are now eligible for benefits. This requires a change to the faculty handbook since it currently specifies that only faculty who have at least a .75 position are eligible for benefits. The senate voted and approved the change in the handbook. Committee Reports
Institutional Advancement—Libby Dismuke, Ph.D., chair, reported that the committee was meeting Feb. 8, to continue planning the research workshop that will be a collaborative effort between the senate and the Center for Health Economics and Policy Studies in the College of Health Professions. Dismuke also reported on the Women Scholars Initiative, headed by Rosalie Crouch, Ph.D. There are several subcommittees for this initiative, including one to study gender equity and one to provide faculty development opportunities. The committees are currently meeting and the results of these meetings will become evident through various events planned in the near future and written reports to the administration. Communications Committee—Walia, chair, reported proposals for quarterly faculty meetings sponsored by the senate (as outlined above). Peggy Schachte, is a member of this committee and chair of an Ad hoc group coordinating efforts for a new faculty orientation. She reported that the group is currently conducting an analysis to determine specicfic needs including the frequency, time, and format of the orientations. Chair’s Report
New Business
The next senate meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m. March 8 in Gazes Auditorium. The agenda will be posted on the faculty senate’s Web site prior to the meeting. Senators present
Submitted by Mary Mauldin, Secretary to the Faculty Senate
Friday, Feb. 25, 2005