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Senate proposes change in promotion cycle
faculty senate’s March meeting minutes were approved and posted on
the senate’s Web site at
of Conduct—Guests Ed Conradi, M.D., and Mike Wheeler
Conradi and Wheeler explained that the intent for the Code of Conduct
is to apply these guidelines across the entire enterprise. There are
two versions of the proposed document. The senate agreed that as long
as legal counsel approves, either version is acceptable.
Rate on Evaluations of Department Chairs and Deans—Tom Higerd, Ph.D.
Evaluations for department chairs and deans will be distributed the
week of April 18. Higerd asked senators to encourage faculty to submit
the evaluations. There was discussion regarding whether or not there
should be evaluations for associate deans as well. Kathy Chessman,
Pharm.D., chair, stated that this item would be brought back to the
deans’ council for consideration.
for Changing Promotion Cycle to Twice a Year in the College of
Medicine—Lina Obeid, M.D.
The College of Medicine requested a change in the promotion cycle from
once a year to twice a year. This change would provide opportunities
for faculty to receive promotions quicker and would spread the workload
for the promotion and tenure committee.
The College of Medicine asked that the university consider implementing
this bi-annual cycle as well, approving promotions Jan. 1 and July 1. A
change in the promotion cycle requires a minor change in the faculty
handbook to reflect the bi-annual opportunity. A recommendation was
made that individual colleges have the option to follow an annual or
bi-annual cycle.
The senate approved the proposed bi-annual promotion cycle along with
the opportunity for individual colleges to determine an annual or
bi-annual cycle.
in Private Offices
Chessman stated that students are requesting a policy to ban smoking in
private offices. The senate voted to support this policy.
In addition, a recommendation was made for the senate to write a letter
to Ray Greenberg, M.D., Ph.D., supporting the designation of MUSC as a
smoke-free workplace. This was also approved and Chessman will
follow-up with a letter to Greenberg.
and Q&A with Roger Poston,Ph.D., director of academics and
research, Office of the CIO
Poston provided a brief overview of his position and discussed his
areas of focus since beginning as director of academics and research in
March. Poston stated the purpose of his position is to support faculty
in information technology efforts related to academics and research.
Since arriving on campus, Poston has been conducting a needs
analysis, meeting with faculty, administrators, and staff. In addition,
Poston is steering an effort to create a strategic plan for academic
and research computing. Faculty were assured they would be involved in
the development of this plan.
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) Upcoming
The SACS visit for reaffirmation of accreditation will take
place in 2007. Currently, 11 committees are forming to
support this process. Chessman will ask representatives from faculty
senate to serve on seven of these committees.
on Academic/Research Space Backfill
This subcommittee will review and recommend plans for filling vacated
research space. Chessman asked for a volunteer from the senate to serve
on this committee.
Town Hall
John Raymond, M.D., vice president for academic affairs and provost,
will lead two town hall meetings sponsored by the senate.
The first meeting is scheduled for April 19 and the topic for
discussion is “Research and Research Space.” The second town hall
meeting is scheduled for April 26 and the topic for discussion is “MUSC
Orientation Task Force
The faculty senate, together with the office of the provost, will
co-sponsor an orientation for new faculty this fall.
of MUSC’s and USC’s Colleges of Pharmacy
Chessman reported that the administrative structure of the integration
would include an executive dean serving both colleges, and two
operations deans, one serving at each college. Representatives from
both colleges are on the search committee for the operations deans. The
executive dean will be invited to the May meeting of the faculty senate.
Library Experiment
Chessman reported that the library announced an experimental plan to
extend its hours of operation to 24 hours, seven days a week. Card
access will provide entry during extended hours, but no staff will be
present during this time.
The next senate meeting will be held at 7:45 a.m. May 10 in the Room
125 Gazes. The agenda will be posted on the faculty senate’s Web site
prior to the meeting.
Submitted by Mary Mauldin,
Secretary to the Faculty Senate
Basic Science: Janice
Lage, Lucille London (executive committee), Robert Ogilvie, Daynna
Wolff, Robert Woolson (alternate).
Clinical Sciences:
Susan Ackerman, Dorothea Eicher, Paul Gold (executive committee), John
Osguthorpe, Aljoeson Walker, Walter Limehouse (alternate), Swapan Ray
(alternate), Dan Smith, Kenneth Vanek (alternate). Excused: Lucinda
Halstead, Rochelle Hanson.
Dental Medicine: Rick
Albenesius (executive committee), Luis Leite. Excused: Michelle Ravenel.
Health Professions:
Anne Kilpatrick. Excused: Libby Dismuke (executive committee),
Lloyd Taylor.
Library Science and
Informatics: Laura Cousineau, Mary Mauldin (executive
committee), Peggy Schachte, Tom Smith (alternate). Excused: Jett McCann
Nursing: Elaine
Amella, Barbara Edlund, Teresa Kelechi, Marilyn King (executive
committee), Sharon Bond (alternate).
Pharmacy: Kathy
Chessman (executive committee), Sandra Garner. Excused: Kelly
Ragucci (executive committee).
Friday, April 29, 2005
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